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What Type of Hosting Consulting Services are Most Commonly Offered Today?

An effective hosting solution not only ensures website integrity but also prevents further business costs that can be caused by operational problems. The cloud service platform is a unique hosting platform that allows companies to host their websites on a group of connected network servers. 

Solutions for hosting cloud servers are quickly gaining popularity and are being adopted by a large number of companies that are developing throughout the world. The main advantage of these types of hosting is that one of the network servers can be easily replaced if damage occurs.

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Architecture – It refers to the software and hardware configuration of your hosting package. Architecture serves as the basis for your website. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that it functions and meets your needs.

Audit – Hosting consulting services also include an in-depth review of your hosting security. This check includes system configuration, backups, log files, and other security measures to ensure that your website is protected from unauthorized access.

Database – Another important factor that hosts the level of consulting services in the database. The database stores all your data. Therefore it is very important to ensure that requests (processing requests) are answered as efficiently as possible and that all your data is stored safely.