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Ways to Build Healthy Bones

Healthy bones lead to healthy lifestyles. Bone density must be strong in order to prevent any breaks in it and cause various problems. We often get so busy in our lifestyle that we ignore our health. Our bones are one of the most important parts of our body, we must put extra efforts into taking good care of our bones and health. To get a physical examination of your body you can visit coastal health and wellness at

Here are a few tips on how to build healthy bones:

– Eat more vegetables: Vegetables, especially green veggies like spinach, are very useful and important to increase bone density. 

– Exercise regularly: Strength training exercise is very important for building strong and healthy bones. Weight bearing exercises increase bone size, bone mineral density, and bone strength. 

– Intake of enough protein: Foods rich in proteins are very much needed to build your bones strong. About 50% of our bone is made up of protein, and so it is very important to have enough protein to prevent the decrease of calcium absorption in bones and cause its breakdown. 

– Avoid extreme low-calorie diet: A very low calorie diet can cause weakness in your body and decrease bone strength. Intake of all the proteins and vitamins is important. You must diet but not strictly a very low calorie diet.