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Understanding Importance Of Solar Home Lighting

Did you know that one KWh of solar energy operates a 100 watt light for 10 hours? Also, 1 kilowatt of solar energy produces 1,600-kilowatt-hours annually in sunny weather and 750 kilowatts in cloudy weather.

Benefits Solar Lighting:

1.4 billion people around the world live in equatorial parts where the sun fades quickly, thus producing a little moment of twilight. You can hire the professionals for a solar home system installer for your home or office.

Therefore, buying a solar energy-based lamp that receives energy during the day and provides lighting during the night means there's no need to spend money on kerosene to light traditional lamps, thus there's a big room for saving.

How Solar Home Lighting Reduces Pollution?

While buildings that generate power through coal immaculate their emission, a few poisonous particles penetrate the air. One of them is the gas Mercury which can pollute the environmental system such as plants, animals, and people living in a given area.

When mercury is released into the air, it penetrates the water and according to EPA. As it makes its way into the water, bacteria transform mercury into methyl mercury, a poisonous version of mercury which harms all the ecological system.

In conclusion, solar lighting is a safer alternative to traditional forms of energy such as kerosene that emanate toxic materials such as mercury. The more we use it, fewer people will spend on energy, thus having a rising standard of living.