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The Marketing Funnel and What it Can Do For You

The main concerns of people are they don't have time for marketing, and that they are frustrated because they aren't converting interest into paying business. The good news is, the 'Marketing Funnel' can help you solve both problems.

So what exactly is a 'Marketing Funnel'? So the marketing funnel is a great business model. It helps you make your core proposition available at different price points, thus lowering the emotional and financial risk for your clients as they move further down the funnel. You can look for world-class sales & marketing funnels online to reach your revenue goals.

How Does a Marketing Funnel Work?

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The funnel system of marketing says that you offer your prospects and customers ever more elaborate products and services – and ever more intensive access to you – at ever-increasing prices. 

In other words, always offering people ways to spend more money with you. And whether you are selling training programs to corporations, or personalized coaching to individuals, the theory still applies.

In a nutshell, the funnel system says: attract new clients and prospects into your funnel, then find ways to add more and more value to them – and as the value increases, so does the price!.

The ideal marketing funnel should be a win for you and your clients. The benefit to you is that the marketing funnel really helps you leverage your time earning much, much more money per hour.

First, it radically cuts down your one-to-one selling time. The other advantage of the marketing funnel is that it helps prospects become paying clients much earlier in the process.