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Know About the Basics of Swimming Pool Safety

A pool can be a source of pleasure and fun, especially in the summer when the heat drives us to find ways to cool. However, the pool can also be a dangerous environment, and even deadly if proper safety precautions are not taken.

Many injuries and deaths occur in or around the pool every year. According to the American Red Cross, around 4,000 deaths occur each year.

Safety Enclosures

One of the best ways to promote pool safety is to have a childproof fence installed around the pool and spa area. In some countries, this fence is now required by law if there are children in the household under a certain age. You can explore to get covered pool enclosures.

Locks on Exit Doors

If your country has such laws in place then you are aware of the requirements and if not then you can seek state law and apply these requirements to your own home.

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Slipping Resistant Decking

Not all accidents occur in water pools, many injuries occur because the trail that surrounds the pool becomes dangerously slippery when wet. This surface can cause serious injury and even late in severe head trauma or death. So, make sure your pool is surrounded by a non-slip material such as cold decking, engraved concrete or rubber material designed to prevent slipping.

Virginia Graeme Baker (VGB) Certified waterways

Under Virginia, Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act, all commercial channels and drain covers must VGB certified. It is suggested that a private swimming pool and housing follow the same

Proper supervision and CPR Training

Make sure all of the time the pool is supervised. When a large group of people was in and around the pool, it is very important to have some people who are dedicated to watching children at all times. It only takes a few seconds for a drowning to occur.