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Reasons To Install Pool Enclosure

Swimming pool covers are the most recommended safety feature to prevent accidental drowning. But not all pool owner find cover to be feasible. Swimming pool fences offer a significant level of safety to your pool.

swimming pool enclosure

Following are the reasons you should install a swimming pool enclosure

  • Safety

Safety is the number one reason to install a pool fence. Child care centres, orphanages and other social services are required by law to surround the pool with a five-foot-high fence. Some prefer this because the line of sight is not disturbed by the fence line.

  • Increase the aesthetic of your backyard

Some people are loath to put up a pool fence because they think it will look ugly. While it might not have the same aesthetic as a yard with no fence, the designs and colour combinations that are available give the pool owner an opportunity to get something that is in line with the style of the yard and home. This makes the fence an element of exterior design and landscaping which can be turned to the advantage.

Finding a contractor to install a pool enclosure is best done by getting references. Pool supply shop and cleaning service personnel are good resources. Neighbours with pools might have some recommendations as well.

You'll want to choose a company that has good reviews and which has been in business for a while. They should be able to answer all your questions completely and cheerfully and give you a written estimate with no hidden fees or charges.