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History Of Lithium Ion Batteries

Many people use 18650 batteries for a number of their electronic devices. The 18650 battery is known for its performance and a long-lasting safety mechanism that ensures the device works well. Many leading brands make these batteries for consumers, such as the Sanyo 18650 battery and the Energizer 18650 battery, which are actually referred to as lithium-ion batteries. 

These lithium-ion batteries have been turning on electronic devices for a long time, but when did they really appear and what was the history of these batteries?

The first person to develop the lithium-ion battery concept was M.S. Whittingham from Binghamton University, Exxon. He used titanium sulfide and lithium to power batteries made in the 1970s. The use of lithium metal works well for batteries in terms of power, but it raises security problems and certain problems and can only be marketed if safer solutions are found.

For this reason, Rahid Yazami conducted several experiments with intercalation techniques using the electrochemical properties of lithium and graphite in 1980, which collaborated with the French National Research Center and the Grenoble Institute of Technology and published papers in one or two years. 

This shows that the intercalation of lithium in graphite is actually a reversible reaction and can be used in the manufacture of rechargeable lithium batteries. In addition, the use of lithium metal is also limited and other forms of lithium-containing lithium ions are used.

People soon saw this battery and many electronic devices use this rechargeable battery. These cells work according to the chemical principle of the oxide layer and use lithium cobalt oxide as a substitute for the lithium metal previously used. Many other studies have been carried out by many people who need to develop more efficient and safer alternatives to lithium cobalt oxide.