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Top 5 Table Linen Styling Tips

In this article, we will read about some of the styling tips that can be used to make a statement or enhance your decor with table linen. There are also tips for outdoor table dressing, 21st birthday celebrations, and weddings.

Table linen from adds class to your home and can be styled in many different ways.

Here are some top tips to help you dress your table linens.

1. A tablecloth is a must for my dining room. It protects the wood and glass beneath it. For making a rectangular tablecloth small enough, double it up and align all seams.

2. Always ensure that your rectangular table has an even overhang at all ends when dressing it. The overhang should be straight along the long sides unless your back is against a wall.

3. White or cream tablecloths are the best for achieving the highest style. This is a sophisticated choice that also allows you to choose the right color for your home.

4. You need cloth napkins for a classy dinner party. They should be white, cream, or embroidered antique. You can use linen, cotton, or polycotton, but not paper, and definitely not kitchen roll.

5. Simply folding a napkin and placing it in a ring, or tied with velvet or lace is a quick way to add class. A simple triangle shape is recommended.