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How To Set Up An Amazon Connect Call Center

Setting up an Amazon Connect call center solution can help you improve customer service, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. In this article, we'll show you how to set up an Amazon Connect call center using the Amazon Connect Console and phone system. For more details about the amazon connect, you can visit this site –

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First, create an Amazon Connect instance in the Amazon Connect Console. You can create a new instance or use an existing instance. Choose a region where your customers are located. Next, set up your routing rules and telephony connections. You need to specify the following information for each connection:

  • Your telephone number – This is the number that your customers will contact you on when they want to speak to you.

  • This is the number that your customers will contact you on when they want to speak to you. Your routing rule – This tells Amazon Connect which telephone lines should ring when someone calls your number. You can have up to 20 routing rules.

  • This tells Amazon Connect which telephone lines should ring when someone calls your number. You can have up to 20 routing rules. Your telephony connection type 

  • Choose one of the following: Plain old telephone service (POTS) A virtual private network (VPN) Call continuity To use multiple telephony connections with Amazon Connect.