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Learn About Compliance With HIPAA

HIPAA is a law that ensures that your medical and personal information remains confidential and secure even if it is processed by more than one entity. 

To protect this data, it has established a series of regulations to be followed and has a strict compliance policy so that all covered entities stay online and thus reduce breaches. There are many firms who provide services in HIPAA compliance.

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The following points will shed more light on the angle of compliance with HIPAA.

HIPAA and compliance: HIPAA has always placed an emphasis on appropriate privacy and security measures to protect your interests. With the growing reliance of the healthcare industry on the use of information technology and the adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs), the need for private information security has increased dramatically.

Entities need for compliance: With information stored and exchanged electronically, HIPAA has renewed its focus on covered entities to include their owners and employees. It went further by making the entities responsible for the protection of the personal data of their business partners and subcontractors. 

Not only is compliance required under HIPAA law, any violation is subject to civil and criminal penalties. Therefore, covered entities make every effort to ensure appropriate compliance at all times.

Training: Staff of covered entities are required to handle Protected Health Information (PHI) in accordance with numerous HIPAA regulations which change from time to time. Sometimes things can get very confusing for the staff. Providing relevant IT or educational training will ensure that staff better understand the various HIPAA compliance requirements and know which actions constitute a violation.