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Dental Implants – Covering That Missing Tooth

Dental implants are usually a cover-up for a lost tooth. This procedure might be slightly painful and takes several months to complete. As this deals with the altering of your tooth cavity, it is advisable to have it done by a specialist only.

Dentists carrying out the dental implants in California are highly reputed. Placing the titanium root into the jaw bone often requires surgery. You can also get the top-ranked dental implant services by clicking at

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However, the surgeon will carry out a number of precautionary measures before installing the root. A complete oral X-ray and CT scan to closely identify the layout of the mouth along with identifying any other untraced injuries will be carried out. Once the surgery is underway, the gum area is carefully lifted to expose the jaw bone.

The titanium root is then placed on the jaw bone and then the gum is then stitched back. The healing process will take approximately 5 to 6 months. The gum is reopened and the post is then attached into the root, however, the permanent crown is not placed at this time.

As this procedure is extremely delicate, only a certified dentist should be allowed to carry out the procedure. Dental Implants in California are certified and highly qualified dentists. The recovery time for the healing process after the first operation can take several months. Patients can only use artificial teeth during this period as the operated area should be left undisturbed.