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Chia Seed Protein Pudding Recipes

Most of the recipes that I found haven't added protein to them, so I decided to add protein to my recipe. Chia seed pudding is a healthy option. It is loaded with healthy nutrition, which makes it a good choice for a healthy breakfast or dessert.

You can learn healthy recipes at for your breakfast. Chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 vegetables, calcium fiber, and iron. They also have small amounts of phosphorus, manganese, potassium, and copper.

Chia seeds can be eaten raw or cooked. I suggest eating it after soaking (as in the pudding recipe) or cooking it when the seeds expand after hydration. 

If you dry them, they can expand in the throat, which can cause a rather strange feeling. One big advantage is the fiber content, which helps you feel full, which leads to a better feeling of fullness.

Recipe for chia protein pudding: vanilla, almond + coconut

8 chia seeds

2 Cup almond milk 

2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract 

4 Teaspoon  coconut flakes 

2 Teaspoon honey

4 teaspoons of protein powder 

4 almonds

After the pudding is ready, sprinkle the coconut on top and enjoy!

I often make this recipe for breakfast because it's an easy pre-cook choice. I also like them as a healthy snack or dessert when I eat something sweet. Enjoy as often as you like and feel free to be creative with the recipes you want.