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How To Select An Anti-Wrinkle Cream base on Your Skin Type

There are only two skin types that come into play when choosing an anti-wrinkle cream base. If you have oily skin, using a cream that complements the oil won't help. Some anti-aging creams are gel-based. It would be an excellent choice for oily skin.

When you have dry skin, it is important to add oil to the skin to protect the skin and, moreover, from drying out. Anti-wrinkle products with heavy cream bases will be more suitable here.

If you want to buy anti-wrinkle cream, then you can check the online source

It is also important to consider the use of sunscreen. Many anti-aging and anti-wrinkle creams have sunscreen added, but others don't. It has been proven that many creams work better when sunscreen is added underneath.

Both skin types should look for the best anti-wrinkle cream base. Creams containing retinol are considered the best. Retinol is an antioxidant. 

Antioxidants can be found in many places, including foods like blueberries, but they should definitely be included in your antiaging cream.

If your dry skin problem is causing excessive exfoliation, look for products that contain alpha-hydroxy acids. They can of course be made from fruits. Alpha hydroxy acids are powerful defoliants and remove dead dry skin cells.

Creams containing these acids should have a sun-protective effect because the hydroxy acids make you more susceptible to sunburn. Sunburn can cause wrinkles and therefore creams will be counterproductive.