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The Advantages of Buying Original Art

Firstly, it is important to recognize the difference between hand-painted art which has Originality and hand-painted art that is mass-produced in "art factories" to a formula with no originality to the pieces. If you like such a piece of art that's fine but you shouldn't pay much more for it than the price of a good quality Limited Edition print.

There will have been many, many very similar pieces produced. This type of factory art is hand-painted but cannot really be classified as "Original Art". You can also look for the most fitting contemporary artwork online.

Now that we've cleared that up, let's move on to the advantages of buying truly Original Art. The resolution of the original painting, whether it is acrylic or oil paint on canvas, or pastel, gouache or watercolor on paper, would be amazing.

Artists will have a hand-painted using high-quality paint is mixed in a completely individual way to create a limited variety of colors. So the color can be deep, rich, smooth or life depending on the effect the artist wanted to make. Not only will brushstrokes visible but mainly with acrylic and oil paint, the paint itself will add texture to the work imbues with enormous character.

Many Limited Edition Prints of very high quality and is a great way to have a work of art if the cost of the original brand was unattainable, but even the most superior print quality, by their very nature, have a relatively limited color palette.