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CBD For Dogs? The Ultimate Guide To Hemp And CBD Oil

CBD refers to cannabidiol which is a certain compound found in cannabis referred to as a cannabinoid. Cannabis contains nearly 400 different compounds and many of those are specific to the cannabis species, these are what are known as cannabinoids. Hemp oil and best quality CBD oil for dogs is special though as it is the key piece to many of the medical benefits we know medical marijuana to produce.  

CBD for dogs is not Psychoactive! (it does not get your dog "high")

Cannabidiol, unlike THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol, will not produce any euphoric sensations. This is very important to the compound that makes it so special. Being an inert compound

CBD users and hemp oil for dogs get many of the benefits of the medicinal aspects without the high of THC and this is huge from both a medical and a legal standpoint

Because of the lack of THC, Hemp oil is also healthy for pets to use!

The Benefits of CBD for Dogs

What are the benefits of CBD for dogs? There are a plethora of benefits from CBD oil that are all similar to medical marijuana through research that is still being done today. There is strong research that these Hemp oils can stop seizures in dogs.

Most people utilize CBD oil for dogs to help with anxiety problems and pain relief in dogs.

Although research is still being done there are also links to CBD possibly reducing neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Along with these, CBD oil for dogs has links to possibly helping: 

  • Arthritis

  • Seizures

  • Cancer

  • Anxiety

  • Appetite