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Beautiful Skin Naturally With Essential Oil Blends

Essential oils have magic active ingredients. We started with Carrot Seed, a very warm, gentle, and earthy essential oil with a long history in skincare. It is suitable for skin that has lost its radiance due to excessive stress, either from the influence of the external environment or other types of stress. 

Carrot seeds are very smooth, inexpensive, and suitable for all skin types. This was followed by verbenone chemotype rosemary – distilled from rosemary grown in certain regions of the world, resulting in higher levels of regenerative “ketones” in the oil. These molecules promote recovery and metabolism by increasing nutrient utilization and elimination of toxins at the cellular level.

If you want more information about Sydney essential oil company, then you can browse the web.

Essential oils that simulate the effects of estrogen have been found to support mature skin health. As natural estrogen production declines over time, this oil can continue to provide the skin with a youthful hormonal environment. Two oils to consider are sage and dill. Each of them is identified by various authorities as being essential for skin aging.

Nutmeg is smooth, sweet, and herbaceous, with an aroma that some find slightly ecstatic. Sweet dill is slightly more fragrant and is recommended for anti-wrinkle formulas for all ages. Whether you want to use one of these estrogen-mimicking oils is entirely up to your personal scent preference.

Some of the lesser-known but highly effective skincare specialty oils include cistus and sea buckthorn. Cistus is distilled from the cistus flower, with astringent properties used to tighten the skin. Some Cistus varieties tend to have a healing aroma, but the very subtle ones are sweet and alluring.