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Safety Covers Are One Of The Most Important Pool Products

One of the nice features of swimming pools is that they provide hours of outdoor fun, but a more serious aspect is that they can be dangerous. It is important for owners to consider swimming pool products such as protective covers to protect the entrance area from being closed during winter.

While safety should be the main reason to buy it, the coating has the added benefit of preventing dirt and insects from getting into the water.

You can buy  automatic pool covers & pool cover reel/roller for inground pools online also.

Automatic Retractable Safety Pool Covers Latham Pool Products - Latham Pools

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the second leading cause of death in children aged 1 to 14 is drowning.

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the majority of children who have an accident due to drowning or drowning are between one and three years old. These calming statistics point to the need for pool covers and other pool products for safety.

The important thing to note about cover sheets is that not everyone has the same goals. Swimming pool products such as winter or sun protection are not protective devices and therefore offer no protection against penetration.

To be classified as a protective coating, the American Society for Testing and Materials requires that the coating holds at least 485 pounds per five feet of surface area. Protective covers made of different materials are sold online and in stores with accessories for swimming pools of different colors.