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Orgone Energy – Human Being Living Space

Orgone is a term created by Wilhelm Reich from the word “organism” or spirit and physical matter. He began exploring how to harness and accelerate these energies from 1940 on, he began building what he called accumulators, devices used to harness and increase energy in the body.

Reich extended his ideas of orgone energy into psychoanalytic based therapy throughout his career. At the end of his life, he combined them all into a common therapy theory known as Orgone therapy. You can also buy orgonite pyramids online.

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There are two main broad subdivisions: physical orgone therapy and psychiatric orgone therapy. It was not uncommon for Reich to use both types of therapy in the same individual.

The main function of the orgonite is to clean stagnant and negative energies. Pyramid Orgone puts you in your living room; where you work, sleep, and live. It will maintain clean and healthy energy. It has been observed that they are most effective when the flat side facing the magnetic north.

Although it still has a measurable effect up to 25 feet, putting them within 3 feet of yourself, you will experience optimal benefits. Orgonite has become very popular as a means of healing, and as protection against electromagnetic pollution (emf).

As human beings, we are open energy systems. This means that we can not protect ourselves entirely from our environment. We continue to have energy in our environment. They affect us whether we realize it or not. Therefore it is important to transform any DOR that comes to us in a positive POR.