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Making Money With Amazon Monthly Sales

Amazon is an online mega-company that sells books, electronic goods as well as toys and games. This is a billion per year business that is accessible to millions of people around the world and checks accounts for amazon estimated monthly sales!

You can access millions of customers who are looking for Amazon virtual bookshelves for all types of books. Indeed, Amazon encourages you to sell. It makes commercial sense – they charge a small fee for every book you sell. And there is no registration fee.

To trade with them, you must register your home address, credit card, and bank account details, because Amazon only pays you directly to your bank through bank payments. It has happened that the last stage of registering as a seller with them is that Amazon asks you to confirm a telephone number.

Here, Amazon automatically calls you and asks you to enter four confirmation codes that are generated naturally on your screen when you go through the registration process.

If you plan to sell many items, you can buy a merchant account on Amazon for a monthly fee, making it easier for you to list many items at once. 

As an online seller, you do not have personal contact or telephone with your customers. Don't need a place or staff. You can sometimes work as you wish. You also need a website, which is very useful for new businesses.

And all this means you can advertise millions around the world without spending a cent on advertising!