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How to Choose an SEO Agency in USA

It can be difficult to create a list of criteria when trying to find an SEO agency in the USA, especially if you don’t know much about the SEO process. Nearly all SEO consumers would expect a top-ranking SEO agency to show up in search engines for all key phrases. 

There are thousands of SEO companies and only a few positions on the first pages, so it is impossible for every agency to show their worth by being there. Only when you begin to understand the top-performing SEO agency, can you get a better understanding of why they exist and why you shouldn’t use them? Although there are many checks that you can perform on an SEO agency in the USA, strongly recommend you to do the following. Follow this up with any additional checks that you feel appropriate.

Enter their company name

A search for the company name will bring up its directory listings, article submissions, and social networking pages. However, if the company has a large client base, it is likely that there will be some feedback.  Good and bad reviews are not meant to be taken as gospel. Some unethical SEO agencies will promote their services in this manner. If it’s a forum, look at the number of posts, join date, and responses from other forum members.

See their backlinks

Backlinking is a large part of online marketing. There are many tools that can be used to check backlinks on a website. It is important to evaluate the ethics of the SEO Company that links to your website. It is possible for an SEO company to have many backlinks from sites you consider spam. This is a sign that they are marketing your site in a way that is not compatible with all search engine guidelines.

It is important to understand how SEO companies will work on your site.