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How To Avoid A Plumbing Leak Disaster!

If you choose to remodel your bathroom, you will need to understand some basic concepts about plumbing. One of these concepts is how to test the new water lines. Not testing the water pipes can cause plumbing disasters and cost you thousands of dollars.

Water damage occurs in case of leaks in new connections. So he urges you to test the water supply lines and new drainage pipes properly and professionally. Pop over to this website to know about various plumbing services.


If this process seems overwhelming, it would wish for a higher professional plumber for this aspect of the construction process. This person will have the tools and knowledge to test your new plumbing. If the person is reputable, you will get a guarantee.

If you decide to install a new sink or upgrade an existing system, you will probably establish new connections to the water supply lines. 

Many systems today involve the use of flexible plastic tube tubing.This is known as "PEX" in the plumbing industry. It is very popular, reliable and relatively easy to install compared to a copper tube. 

The connections between the different values, fittings and "PEX" lines will be required to press metal sleeves or rings. These rings will be crimped by a special tool.

 If the setting is not done correctly or missed, there will be a slow leak or a full blow-out. Remember before putting water and apply a water pressure to your new water lines, you need to test them. Initially this is done by filling them with high pressure air.

This may be done using an air compressor. You will need to connect a pressure gauge and value in the appropriate place to monitor the air pressure in the lines.