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How Resistant is a Natural Stone Countertop?

Natural stone countertop used in kitchens! Surprising, yet it is true that natural stone is used as countertop materials in kitchens. They may not be the first choice though of many people due to their costs but they are popular indeed. Natural stone countertops are sleek looking and have a touch of finesse about them.

There are different varieties of natural stone countertops available in the market. Expect to find Granite kitchen countertops, Quartz countertops, Marble countertops, and slate countertops. Already, you must be feeling that there are many variations to natural stone countertops and can be best used for any kitchen. Are they though naturally resistant to any damage?

You can click here for more information if you want to install the natural stone countertop.

Granite Kitchen Countertop

The answer is “No”. Most countertops of the materials listed above do have inherent qualities in them to protect themselves from damage. You can though never predict the gale wind that could bring your countertop down to dust! That said, treating natural countertops can make it resistant to any damage.

First things, most natural stone countertops are heavy. The heaviness causes them to be scratch resistant apart from being resistant to stains. Middle Eastern mountains produce durable granites that are preferred for use as natural stone countertops. The granites produced from these mountains are found to be more resistant to heavy scratches and juice stains.

Quartz Countertops are known to be resistant to permanent stains. Use quartz countertops if you know there would be a lot of juice, wine, and sugar-related stains. Quartz is the fourth hardest mineral in nature making it fit for use in natural stone countertops. It is a bit expensive though and will cause a dent in your wallet