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Find More About High Efficiency Toilet

Whether you are operating at home or business, installing high-efficiency toilets make sense. These fixtures so necessary for hygiene can do a better-than-average flushing job while using the minimal amount of water necessary. You just need to know what to look for when you are shopping to make sure you are getting the performance you need.

MaP And WaterSense Ratings

Why you need a high-efficiency toilet? A toilet can use as much as 40% of your homeowner bill even when it is operating correctly. Older toilets use more water in routine flushes and may have frequent clogs that need multiple flushes to clean the bowl or tend to overflow. You can refer to to buy High efficiency toilets.

Our Products - High Efficiency Toilets - Water Matrix

Extra flushes plus overflows and leaks, will cause you to use more water. Installing a high efficiency model commode can save you water and cut your bill by 25% or more when you factor in water waste.

In the US, the federal government has had regulations in place since 1994 that toilets can use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush (GPF) in comparison to 4.5 GPF that was the norm before 1980 or the 3.5 GPF for those made between 1980-1994.

Consumers complained that early models did not do the job in one flush, but manufacturers have improved their design so that the lower amount of water is enough.