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Facts about Bed Bug Bites

The mere thought of bed bugs can keep you awake at night. These pests are a common household problem. They can be found in sheets, pillows, mattress covers, cushion cases, boxes springs, carpets, and upholstery.

To get permanently rid of these pests, you can look for effective bed bug products through

Bed Bug Bites: Symptoms and Treatments

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You won't notice if you get bitten by one or two bugs. However, if you get bitten by several bugs at once, it is almost certain that you will.

The "breakfast, lunch, and dinner" feeding pattern of bed bugs is the most common. The bites are usually found in a straight line that runs up or down an arm or leg and is concentrated in three groups.

These pests are not limited to bed bugs. They can also be found in other places. One doctor saw a lot of female patients with bed bug bites on their knees. The patients were all riding the same commuter train and were getting bitten by bugs while sitting in the seat cushions.

Beyond the bites, the real reason to get rid of bed bugs is the multitude of side effects. The mere presence of bed bugs can lead to more than just bites. For Example:

  • Allergies, including asthma
  • Anemia is a common problem in the elderly and infants who are bedbound.
  • Salmonella in the feces can cause food poisoning.
  • Hepatitis B is when an insect bites someone with the virus, then bites another person who doesn't have the virus.
  • Ticks and fleas can also carry a variety of diseases, including Lyme disease and Q fever.