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Everything About Low Flow Toilets

Some people still have a problem with the switch society has made to low flow toilets. They argue that the number of times their toilets become clogged is directly tied to the fact that less water is being used. This is quite true, and constitutes the only drawback to low flow toilets.

Even dual flush best lowflush toilets use less than half the water needed by a normal toilet. The feature allows real estate owners in Boca Raton, FL to save 60% more water than using even a standard low flow toilet available on the market today. These savings are reflected in the water bill and in the energy efficiency of a home.

However, newer toilet models today come with a dual flush feature. This allows the user to decide how much water and power is needed to remove the waste. A short flush using not even one gallon of water is used when one button is pushed. The other button, called a long flush, uses closer to two gallons for the removal of more waste.

Our Products - High Efficiency Toilets - Water Matrix

Dual flush toiletsare more expensive than standard low flow toilets, but over time, the savings in your water bill help it to pay for itself. It is this kind of investment that makes the decision to be energy efficient worthwhile for everyone involved.

Researching the type of toilet you want to purchase is important today to ensure you get the quality you want. Even though people tend to resist change, this transition to the dual flush toilet may be even more beneficial than the switch years ago to from standard toilets to low flow toilets.