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Buying Dog Clothes – A Brief Guide

We all love our canine friends and we are also happy to buy a lot of things to pamper our dogs. One of the many dog accessories that have become more popular over the years is dog apparel. Dog clothes went from a niche market, to position more acceptable in recent years and there are many brands of dog clothing to choose from now.

Nay Sayers

But there are still many people who mock or advocate against dog clothes. So let's set a few things straight:

"The dogs have the fur so they do not need clothing" In fact, in many places in the winter it can be so cold that many dogs(especially small ones) require some type of protection. A thick coat or sweater will be very helpful. 

"You hurt the animals!" If the dog is hut it will tell you. Dog clothing designers will design clothes in a way that will not cause the dog any discomfort and so that the dog can move around freely. Some dogs will need to get used to the idea of clothing and positive reinforcement (treats) is recommended in the first moments. 


To ensure a correct fit it is important to measure the dog's sizes. Always check the size chart and instructions when buying a new brand. Dog clothing sizes are not uniform and one brands Small can be another brands Medium. If the dog measurement falls between two sizes, it is recommended to choose a larger size.


As like any other purchase, try to read some reviews about the product and/or company. Do they deliver what they promise? Many brands of dog clothes use fabric that is very cheap, do not be fooled by the low price of the item that is still promising high quality. Unless there is a clearance sale of course, then by all means shop till you drop!