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Birminghams Pay Per Click Advertising Can Boost Page Ranking

The search engine results page is the place to be if you want people to find out about your business. The practice of search engine optimization is the way to get there, but there is more to SEO strategy than slapping some keywords in your title and calling it good. 

PPC (or pay-per-click) is a form of paid online advertising in which you pay when someone clicks on your ads. You can run PPC ads in search engines, on social media, on Amazon, and on other sites across the web. PPC company in Birmingham manages PPC campaigns.

Image Source: Google

There's no fruit to the conspiracy theories that the search engine giant is skewing the search results in favor of the sites that pay them the most money. 

So what does pay-per-click advertising have to do with SERP rank? The answer relies on an understanding of how search engines work. If you've spent any time looking into search optimization, you're already well aware that links are an important part of success. 

It is even better if the links come from high-profile sites that have a lot of clout in your niche. What many people don't realize, however, is that search ads can be used to boost your link-building efforts. 

Look for keywords that get searched for often, but aren't hugely profitable. This makes it simple to buy ads that cost you a very small amount of money per visitor, which is a great way to build your web presence.