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Benifits Of Double Glazed Windows And Doors

Double glazed windows and doors come with two panes of glasses, whereas the triple-glazed version has 3 panes fitted in them. Based on the physical overview and general glance over the features and benefits, it can be said without any doubt that the superior UPVC windows and doors version is definitely superior.

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However, there are several other things that you need to know before making any decision related to the selection.

Energy Efficiency

  • According to the sellers and suppliers of uPVC windows, one of the biggest reasons why people switch from single pane to double pane installations is energy efficiency.
  • This energy efficiency factor comes with an additional pane so the question here is whether it’ll increase with triple glazing and the answer is, “yes”
  • Around a quarter of household heat is lost via windows, so to maximize the insulation here, is crucial to ensure that you are reducing heat loss as much as possible.
  • You may not be aware, but heat loss from your home is measured using U-Value and on average, single glazing come with the U-Value of 5.6 and double glazing has 2.8.
  • But as compared to double glazed windows and doors, those having triple glazing come with the U-Value of 0.8 and keeping this in mind, the selection process can be made easier.
  • Experts say that having an extra pane of glass has a role in decreasing heat loss.