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About Self-Managed Super Funds

Preparing for retirement is a crucial part of your professional life. Whether you're in your 50s or your early 20s, it's never too early to prepare.

Many find the freedom and flexibility of the administration and management of your own best to fund part of a larger fund. You can get complete information about self managed super funds via

Self managed super funds

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However, self-managed super funds are not as easy as some expect. There are tax rules for self-managed super funds, and reporting and auditing requirements. These requirements are closely controlled by the government and relevant regulatory authorities.

The first step is to set up SMSF. This procedure requires a lot of identification and administration, but it can be done by the person who wants to set up the fund. You can also ask a professional, such as a pension accountant to help.

Once the super self-fund was set up, there were several annual compliance requirements. These include reporting and auditing for the regulator of the government. They then check if your fund is consistent with the investments you choose.

These reports and audits are passed every year, but a little more often than once a year. Also, there are self-managed super fund tax rules that apply as well.

Self-managed super funds have to pay tax on income. If it is a fund compliant in which there is income that is computable, while a regular tax of 15 percent applies.